Meet The Team: Andre Rogers, Senior Vice President of Enterprise and Middle Market Operations

Meet The Team: Andre Rogers, Senior Vice President of Enterprise and Middle Market Operations

Get to know Andre Rogers, Senior Vice President of Enterprise and Middle Market Operations at WAS

How many years have you been in the industry?

I’ve been in the payments industry for over 32 years. My first role was straight out of college, starting on a tech support help desk. Over the years, I progressed through various roles including management of the help desk, product development, and sales support relationship management. I love my professional journey because I got to learn the payments industry from the ground up and gain a good understanding of all operational aspects.

What do you enjoy about your role?

I love that I get the opportunity to work and interact with just about everyone across the company. I get to meet a lot of great people – both our internal team members and external clients.

What do you appreciate about working at WAS?

I definitely love the atmosphere and the comradery that we all have together. Despite our various responsibilities, we all have one common goal, and we function together as a cohesive unit.

What attracts you to the industry?

When I first got into the industry, credit cards were processed manually via dial-up phone lines, so it’s exciting to see how we have gone from that to having things like e-commerce and wireless 4G terminals, and just the overall constant innovation and advancement. I love how the industry is always changing – because change to me means growth.

What keeps you motivated?

Knowing that every day is going to be a challenge, and that I’m in a position to help someone else, whether it’s a customer or colleague. That satisfaction of knowing I’m making a difference somewhere keeps me coming back every day.

What’s something your colleagues might not know about you?

One aspect of my life that they might not know about is my involvement in prison ministry through my church. Through this, I’ve been able to mentor incarcerated individuals, speak with individuals on death row, and help people reintegrate into society post-incarceration. This experience reinforced my belief that my purpose is to help others.

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